What is a Content Brief?

I came across a job posting requiring an ‚excellent writer with a love for creating great content no matter the brief‘.

I read again but still got stuck on the last four words: „…no matter the brief“. They were like a brick-wall question mark, and I couldn’t get past it.

A content brief is a document that provides the writer with all the information s/he needs to meet the client’s expectations.

Here’s what I didn’t understand: Not all companies provide proper content briefs to their writers. Those that go through the effort of creating one understand the importance of a good brief.

So, if this company gets that, how can the brief not matter?

(Or maybe they meant to say something else and just expressed themselves awkwardly – in which case they really need a good content writer.)

Whatever the intention behind that strange phrase, it prompted me to write an article about what I think a good content brief should include.

Read on my professional blog.

Mit Goethe durch die Krise

Seit Beginn der Corona-Krise ist das Geldverdienen schwierig geworden.
Auch ich sitze zuhause.

Bevor ich morgens meinen Computer öffne und mich auf Kundensuche begebe, öffne ich ein kleines Büchlein, das meine Mutter mir einmal geschenkt hat. Es enthält Gedichte und Gedanken von Goethe – für jeden Tag ein paar Zeilen.

Weiterlesen Mit Goethe durch die Krise