Schon mal was von Bee-Tech gehört?

Auch in der Landwirtschaft hat Hightech festen Fuß gefasst. Immer neue Innovationen sollen – und müssen – die Erträge verbessern und die Arbeit vereinfachen.

Letzte Woche hatte ich die Möglichkeit einen Gastbeitrag auf Re:Levant, einem deutschsprachigen Israel Magazin zu veröffentlichen. Das Thema konnte ich mir selbst aussuchen.

Der Artikel stellt sieben israelische Bee-Tech Firmen vor, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt haben, das Problem des Bienensterbens zu lösen. Dabei gehen sie die Sache von vollkommen verschiedenen Richtungen an, die alle interessant und erfolgversprechend sind.

Hier könnt Ihr meinen Artikel lesen.

What I learned about medical marketing writing

How do you promote a service that’s necessary, but people never want to need? Like cataract surgery.

Out of the many industries in which I’ve worked, writing medical marketing content for doctors was the most challenging and also the most rewarding.

Creating communication that will bridge the gaps between the practitioner’s world and the patient’s world can be fiercely complex.

The reasons may not be what you think.

Read now on my professional blog.

Caring Is Paying Attention Is Caring

“I want something special for my birthday!”

He looked at me with a frown, “but we never give each other presents.”

“Not a present, just something, a flower, even.”

“But I bring flowers every Friday.”

“So, bring an extra one. I don’t know, just something to feel it’s my birthday.”

On Friday morning, I got up to this:

A handful of delicate roses, 

three balloons over the kitchen table, 

One set from my favorite dishes – the ones I only take out on special occasions,

and my usual peanut butter and honey. 

A note said, “Happy Birthday 🙂 !”

I stood there with a smile and watery eyes! He nailed it. 

He succeeded in making my day with so very little. And you know why? Because he knows my routine and what matters to me. He paid attention to how I treat occasions to make them feel special to me.   

By showing me that he pays attention, he made me feel that he cares.

So, why am I telling you all this? Not because I want to show off my awesome partner (well that, too) but the main reason is that there’s a simple lesson that I want to share:

If you want someone to feel that you care, pay attention to them! 

Pay attention to what they do and how they do it, listen to what they say and how they say it.

It’s true for your family but also goes for customers, clients, and readers. Don’t try to impress or tease them into thinking you care. Just get to know them. Give them what they need, not what you think they want.

The real beauty in this is that you end up genuinely caring once you start paying attention, whether you want to or not. It just happens.