Uncomfortable questions about Gaza and Israel

Israel spent $700 mil on civilian protection, Hamas $0

War is terrible. The images coming out of Gaza bring tears to our eyes. We cringe when we see the massive destruction and the number of casualties rising daily. 

We can all agree that the violence in the region has to stop. But every time we start discussing why there’s violence in the first place, and who’s to blame, we get lost in the complications of this conflict. The arguments throw us back in history and confuse our common sense. 

So let’s simplify it just a little bit: One side aims for genocide, and the other side resists and fights to maintain its freedom. I’m sure you can guess which side is which. And I’m also sure you find this completely over-simplified, exaggerated, and one-sided. I mean, after all, there are two sides to every story, right? And both sides have blood on their hands.

Keep asking questions! 

I get it, you are against all forms of violence. Still, you feel the need to compare, so you can decide which side is less wrong. Here’s the thing, you don’t need to take sides. It’s not important that you take sides. But it is important that you stick to your own values. 

What’s important is that you understand the truth and don’t let yourself be swept away by popular, dangerous narratives. Ask questions that others don’t ask. Ask questions that feel uncomfortable. Ask questions that help expose who’s telling the truth, who’s hiding the truth, and who’s flat-out lying and when.

So let’s ask some of these questions.

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